
A selection of testimonials can be found below. Contact us if you would like to speak to us further about references.


'Simon Judd was commissioned by ALDAR Properties to provide expert advice on the operation of a large MBR sewage treatment plant constructed in the UAE (Abu Dhabi). The MBRs were not operating to the designed performance and Simon’s expert knowledge of MBR technology, experience and practicality assisted in guiding us to diagnose the operational problems and implement systems to successfully operate the plant.'

Andre Holder Pr. Eng.
Aldar Properties - Yas Island Operations Project Manager

'We chose to consult Prof. Judd for the 2013 feasibility and preliminary design study on MBR technology at Henriksdal WWTP in Stockholm, Sweden (the world's largest MBR), for in-depth knowledge of membrane design issues. The technique is new to Sweden and the advice from Simon was greatly appreciated.'

Dr Sofia Andersson
Project Manager
Sweco Environment AB (currently at Stockholm Vatten)


'For more than a decade, Ovivo has been holding national MBR operator workshops.  Every year we invite a guest speaker and there is none better than Professor Judd.  His dry wit keeps the crowd engaged and his extensive knowledge of the subject matter proved extremely valuable.  Based on feedback from participants, Professor Judd's approach to presenting, mixing research with field data, was well received and effective.'

Dennis Livingston
Director, MBR Systems
Ovivo (USA)

'I attended The MBR Course in Doha in March 2015. It was money well spent. A great overview, from theoretical aspects to detailed case studies. Plus you end up with comprehensive presentation material and a reference book. I felt it was a bargain.'

Werner Redtenbacher
ILF Consulting Engineers Austria GmbH


'Watermaths - an essential for anyone studying the basics of water and wastewater engineering, plus a really useful reference guide with examples to work through for anyone wanting a refresher.'
Dr Emma Sharp

Severn Trent Water

'The Industrial MBRs book offers technical details to anyone interested in the application of MBR technologies to an industrial wastewater source. As a beginner into this field I found the book extremely useful as it answered some of the queries I had related to MBR applications. The book features an abundance of operational technical data, which is rather hard to obtain.

'I particularly enjoyed the format of the book which makes the book easy to navigate whilst covering a complex field.'
Dan Golea

'For anyone with an interest or working involvement in membrane bioreactor technology, The MBR Book is regarded as The Bible on the subject. It contains chapters on the global market status (Chapter 1), the fundamentals (largely centred on academic research, Chapter 2), a "design, operation and maintenance" chapter (Chapter 3), a summary of commercial technologies (Chapter 4), and numerous case studies (Chapter 5). The book benefits from contributions from many experience MBR professionals and is undoubtedly the most comprehensive reference text available on the subject. There is a bias towards municipal applications, but some coverage is provided of the wide variety of industrial applications as well.'

Graeme K Pearce
Membrane Consultancy Associates (MCA)

'If you are looking for a bible on MBRs, The MBR Book is the one.'
Michelle Klein

Guest speaking

'We had the pleasure of having Prof Simon Judd as a guest speaker at the GE Water & Process Technology Global Membrane Anniversary Summit organised on the lake of Tata, Hungary.  He delivered an excellent keynote presentation, and his knowledge combined with his original presentation style impressed me. It's hard to speak too highly of Simon who has (co)-authored so many textbooks, articles, presentations and research works in membrane and MBR technology. We were honoured to have him at the Summit.'
István Zsirai,
GE Water & Process Technologies